2000kg/h PET recycling machine, PET bottle recycling machine, PET bottle plastic recycling machine video


See plasti ümbertöötlemismasin on mõeldud PET-plastpudelite jäätmete purustamiseks ja ringlussevõtuks. See PET-plasti ringlussevõtu masin koosneb etiketi eemaldajast, sorteerija, purustaja, külm pesumasin, kuum pesumasin, veetustamine, pakkimissüsteem. See saab puhtad PET-helbed PE PP-korgist, õli, PVC etikett, seejärel kasutage uuesti PET-helbeid, plastireostuse vältimiseks.

See PET-plasti ümbertöötlemismasin suudab PET-pudelijäätmeid hõlpsalt pesta ja ringlusse võtta. Jäätmeid ja määrdunud PET-pudeleid saab selles PET-plasti ümbertöötlemismasinas samm-sammult kõrvaldada. See on spetsiaalne PET-pudelite taaskasutamiseks. Varustasime pesuliini lõppu kuivatussüsteemi, et täiesti kuivad helbed saaks kohe pärast pesemist kokku koguda ja pakkida.

Kogu PET-plasti ümbertöötlemismasina saab kujundada selle põhjal, kui määrdunud on PET-pudelid, ja veenduge lõpptoodete kvaliteedis.

Tootmisliini koordineerimine järeltöötlustöödega (PET-i granuleerimismasin), ning see muudab PET-graanulite materjaliks jäätmed ja määrdunud PET-pudelid, ja saab toota uusi PET-pudeleid.


The whole line includes(kohandatav):

Metalli kettkonvery → De-Baler(Pressi avaja) → Lintkonveier → Tromel → Lintkonveier → Sildi eemaldaja → Sorteerimislaud → Metallidetektor → Lintkonveier → Purusti → Kruvilaadur → Ujuv seib → Hõõrdepesuri → Kuum seib → Kruvilaadur → Hõõrdeseib → Ujuv pesur → Zig-Zag Eraldaja→Silo


The working principles and characteristics:

1 It can be realized automatically unpacked bottle brick machinery, and by continuous washing can be sand, cleaned of impurities, also remove the PE labels, paper labels and some PVC labels, then it makes the continuous washing in bottle recycling process more easily, and better utilization.

  1. In the selection work platform, you can remove the bottle containing heterogeneous classes, different color bottles, labels, chips, metal and garbage in PET bottles, to ensure the next step for crushing bottles more easily.
  2. Designed for PET bottle crushing mill, with a smooth feed, output stability, low power consumption with vibration, low noise level, and the structure is strong, low maintenance, long life characteristics. In wet grinding, in addition to the use of water strengthen the impact of PET debris to improve cleaning effect, and because the cooling effect of water can lower the friction heat, reduce the PET debris, extended kniveslife;
  3. The purpose of floating washing, hot washing, rubbing and rinsing of PET bottle is for the final purification PET flakes. The machine is mainly relied on three washing force: mechanical, chemical and thermal power, remove the film of the trademark label in bottles, bottle caps, glue, medicine, and other impurities, etc.;
  4. Dehydration and finished packaging steps is prepare for the bottle flakes dehydration and packaging.



After this PET bottle flakes crushing, recycling and washing recycling machine line, our company also supply the following production lines of PET bottle granulating machine, that to make the waste and waste PET bottle be the new finished products.